My son just turned two. I can hardly believe it. I have a two-year old. How did this happen? It’s been an emotional week, looking at old baby photos and videos, juggling a tiny house filled with large house guests, and planning a birthday party that both suits our son’s personality, our values, and yet still be somewhat entertaining for our friends and family. We toyed with many ideas: renting out an indoor playland (too expensive, not very exciting for adults and too grotty for a germaphobe like me); hiring a music teacher to come and teach a private workshop (again, costly, not very exciting for adults); having a cocktail party (oh wait…we did that last year!)
What we came up with was an ECO Birthday Party. Just us, our guests and Mother Nature herself. A few fun-filled outdoor activities and some eco-friendly snacks and loot bags. That’s it. It was super easy, not too pricey…and most importantly fun! Here’s how we did it, in case you and your little one feel like going green this year.
Happy happy.
Luke’s Eco Birthday Party Recipe
What you need
A good outdoor destination (we chose Brickworks – it was close and is the MECCA for all things eco!)
3 different outdoor activities (lasting 30 minutes each)
Eco-friendly snacks
Eco-loot bags
A good guest list (preferably the non-judgemental kind in case they think you’re too granola)
How we did it
9:15am The plan was to have everyone congregate at our place, stroller and backpacks ready to roll. The Brickworks is a 30 minute hiking distance from our house. We had a SNACK KIT packed for all of our guest filled with trail mix, Larabars, and an apple.
10am: Meet up at the Brickworks. Greeting and get-to-know-you time
10:15am: ECO Scavenger Hunt around the beautiful grounds of Brickworks. 10 teams. 10 tasks. 1 Local-licious Gift basket filled with scrumptious food from Culinarium to the winning team.
10:45am: Winner announced. ECO activity at the children’s section of Brickworks (Chimney Court – they made baskets and did some digging and played hide and seek in the huts)
11:15am: Snacks – our famous vegan, wheat-free, sugar-free muffins and cookies; KIJU organic juice boxes and green/chai tea for the adults. Loot bags filled with Cheddar Bunnies, organic raisins and wee nature-inspired trinkets and toys.
11:30am Home!

Go green this year!